22 June 2008

Left Eye Blind loves Joe Costello

Back in Feb we had the joy to work with a fantastic director Joe Costello.
Here is a bit about the blond lovely lad.

Joe Costello

Joe Costello spent his early years learning to program computers, making animated short films on his Sinclair Spectrum. Combine that with an early love of camera work (that mostly starred the family cats) then you have the making of the filmmaker that Joe is today.

In Joe's work you can the emblems of this childhood; his strengths with special effects are easily seen, but also the wide eyed innocence of youth within his videos is palpable.

Like most music video directors, Joe got into the genre because the band he was in wanted one for promotional purposes. Being 50% computer geek and 50% videographer helps him to visualise the finished piece from the very beginning of a project, and understand the best way to achieve it.

Joe is one of those that multiples the budget of a project twenty fold purely because he puts his eyes and fingers across it. He's that guy.

Joe also enjoys sleeping during the day, eating bagels, knowing a lot about East Germany.

Hopefully you will have seen or heard of our latest video for Rochelle - Fer De Lance f or Southernfried Records. If not check it out below;

Fer De Lance TASTER from aurora fearnley on Vimeo.


Matt and Joe co-directed the video together, what wonders will happen next?